false market

547 days ago

Cineworld DISGRACE – shares up 220%, short the f*ck out of it and thank the FCA for being so utterly useless

There has been news but no RNS. So for 24 hours there has been a false market in Cineworld  (CINE) with morons now buying the shares at c8p or higher. They are misunderstanding what has gone on in a void as Cineworld has issued no RNS statement. This is a regulatory disgrace, which again shames the FCA, but take advantage of it and short the feck out of the shares.


1194 days ago

Has Dragon's Den star Sarah Willingham lied to ramp her shares or just a journalist cocked up – market is now false - letter to AIM Regulation

Shares in Ms Willingham’‘s AIM listed Nightcap (NGHT) are the 3rd biggest riser on the Casino today, up 26% at 17p on the back of an article in the Mail on Sunday by Ms Harriet Dennys which, as I poingted out yesterday, is totgal bollocks and a deceipt. It quotes Ms Willingham and the question is has she told a monstrous lie. or is Ms Dennys just making things up? With the shares roofing it I have written to the Oxymorons at AIM Regulation as the company needs to comment urgently. This is a false market.


1325 days ago

BREAKING: Letter to FCA: Shares in Supply@ME Capital MUST now be suspended and CEO Zamboni fired

Trading in shares in Supply@ME Capital  (SYME) cannot start tomorrow as the CEO Alessandro Zamboni has actively created a wholly false market by knowingly engaging in market abuse as I exposed earlier. I have written to the FCA asking for urgent action. The letter follows:


1425 days ago

Intu: Letter to FCA, share price wrong please protect mug punters

A concerned investor, keen to protect retail mug punters from themselves has today written to those sharp as nails guys round at the FCA on the matter of Intu (INTU) urging it to act to stop a false market in the shares. A copy of that letter has found its way to Winnileaks and I reproduce it below.
